About me

I studied Psychology in Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) and have been living in Berlin since 2010. Until 2010 I worked as a clinical psychologist in Rio de Janeiro (Winnicott's psychoanalysis) and for the last 10 years I have been working as a psychosocial counsellor at the Kurt-Schwitters-School in Berlin.

Since 2023 I am an accredited alternative practitioner for psychotherapy (Psychotherapie nach dem Heilpraktikergesetz) and a trainee systemic therapist.

What I Offer

My aim is to create a listening (and welcoming) environment for mainly Portuguese and English speaking expats in Berlin. 
Particularly welcome are LGBTQIA+ people, people with experience(s) of discrimination and/or racism, neurodiverse people and intersectionalities. Teenagers (from 14 years old), couples, families and other constellations are also welcome.

My practice is based on discourse - although it also involves body language, feelings and sensations - and try to be curious about what has led you to where you are now and what you have already tried to resolve your conflict. Being an empathic sounding board for better questions and conversations about yourself is a big part of my practice.

How I work

Winnicott's psychoanalysis believes that creativity is one of the measures of mental health, and its differentiation is a more elastic concept than that of classical psychoanalytic practice. The systemic approach insists that clients are the experts on themselves, and explores potential and resources (sometimes in unconventional ways). Mindfulness brings attention to the present moment. 
My practice is mainly a blend of these techniques, but over time I have also incorporated other influences such as schema therapy, non-violent communication and the psycho-social approach to counselling.

The fact that I have often been involved in the arts (mostly performance, music and dramaturgy) also gives me a differenciated view.


I graduated in psychology from the UFRJ in 2006, specialised in psychoanalysis and worked as a clinical psychologist in Brazil. For more than ten years I have been working in psychosocial counselling at the European School in Berlin, helping young people and their families. I have lectured as an expert on "lgbtqia+ identities in education" at various institutions in Berlin. I have been awarded the title of Heilpraktiker für Psychotherapie (non-medical practitioner for psychotherapy) by the Berlin Health Authority and am currently completing a specialisation in systemic therapy at the Systemic Institute for Mindfulness (SIA Berlin).

Practical Infos

Session fee (50 minutes): 80€

For relationship constellations (couples, throuples, friendships) and families, there is the possibility of 90-minute sessions: 120€.

Some advantages of private sessions:

- The possibility to start almost immediately
- No applications or authorisations required
- No need to create and publish a medical diagnosis for the health insurance company
- No bureaucracy and personal data (diagnosis and protocols) is not passed on to third party databases (insurance companies, employers, authorities).

Some private health insurance companies reimburse the cost of alternative psychotherapies. Please check with your health insurance company to see if this is the case for you.

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